Digi-Dex /
Craniamon :
The Cranium Monster |
General Information |
First Appearances |
Mega 1 |
Vaccine 1 |
Holy Knight 1 |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Booster 25 |
Bo-1163 |
S5 :
Episode 39 |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture
/ Available
Picture |
- NA - |
Family (Families) |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Shock Ringer 4
Power of Breath 5 |
Profile |
Variations |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
Not available yet
Not available yet
Digivice Burst
This Digimon minds decorum the most amongst the Royal
Knights. He is a complete ideologist, and regarding the
commands of Yggdrasil, his ratio of achieved missions is
one of the highest of the Royal Knights Digimon. When
fighting with an enemy, striking in one-on-one combat is
his policy, and his joy reaches its maximum if the enemy
is a formidable one. Craniamon's armor is processed code
from Yggdrasil, converted into Black Digizoid. He has
come to be able to access his armor data and produce
weapons and shields from his armor. For his special
technique "End Waltz", he spins his demon spear "Claíomh Solais"
at a high speed and releases a supersonic shockwave. For
any who experience this technique, they continue a
"dance" until all of their data is pulverized from the
shockwave. Also, his demon shield Avalon invokes an
omnidirectional, impregnable defense and can invalidate
any kind of attack within just three seconds. (Grímúlfr)
Digimon Story Lost Evolution
Not available yet
ロイヤルナイツの なかでも もっとも れいぎただしい
てきと たたかうときは いっきうちを することが
ポリシーである てきが きょうてきであるほど
よろこびは しこう の ものとなる
Digimon V-Tamer Residence
A Holy Knight Digimon whose body is covered in armor made from "Black
Digizoid", its code has been modified by and is now under the control of
"Yggdrasil". Its form doesn't seem very fitting for it to be classed as
a Holy Knight type, and those who seem it even mistake it for a
Virus-attributed monster, but it is a member of the respected "Royal
Knights" and is a Digimon that best understands decorum out of the
"Royal Knights". It is a scholar of the principles of perfection, and it
is often the one that gets the top-classed completion rates for
"Yggdrasil's orders. When it confronts an enemy, it likes to fight it in
1-on-1 combat, and it relishes fighting and defeating supremely powerful
enemies. It is able to access its own armor data and produce weaponry
and shields from it. It crushes the enemy with the demonic "Claíomh
Solais" spear, named after the four treasures of the gods from Celtic
mythology, it wields in its hands and the demonic "Avalon" shield, named
after a weapon also found in Celtic mythology. (Wildermon)
「イグドラシル」からコード操作された「ブラックデジゾイド」の甲冑に身を包んだ聖騎士型デジモン。その容姿はとても聖騎士と呼ぶには程遠く、ウィルス種のモンスターにさえ見えるぐらいだが、れっきとした「ロイヤルナイツ」の一員であり、「ロイヤルナイツ」の中で最も礼節をわきまえたデジモンである。完璧主義者であり、「イグドラシル」の指令に対する任務達成率もトップクラス。敵と対峙するときはどんな時も1対1の戦いを好み、相手が強敵であればあるほど打ち破った時の喜びは至上のものとなる。彼自身が鎧のデータにアクセスすることで、武器や楯を鎧から生み出すことができる。ケルト神話に登場する四神器 「クラウ・ソラス」の名をとった魔槍、同じくケルト神話の「アヴァロン」から名をとった魔楯を武器に敵を粉砕する。
Evolution |
Name Origin |
Origin / English. Crania is is the
plural of the word cranium, which is part of the skull that protects the top
part of the head. |
Japanese Name / Craniummon |
Origin / English. Cranium is the part of the skull that protects the top
part of the head. |
References |
Season 5 :
Episode 39 (Dub)
Season 5 : Episode 40 (Dub)
Season 5 : Episode 44 (Dub) |
Credits |
Bandai picture was created by Wikimon and Bandai
LCD picture 1 was created by Garmmon, 2 was created by
Lhikan634 |