General Information |
First Appearances |
Début |
Card Début |
Anime Début |
Toei Picture |
Bandai Picture
/ Available
Picture |
- NA - |

Family (Families) |
US Attacks |
Japanese Attacks |
Dark Roar 9
Giga Stick Lance 9 /
Gigantic Lance 23
Demon Stab 9
Terrible Gaze 9 |
Dark Counter 11
Death Cannon 11
Laser Blade 11
Chaos Blast 11F
Sharp Claws 17 / Claw Attack 18 / Razor Claws 15
Death Claw 19 / Touch of Evil 15 / Evil Wing 21 / Evil Touch 22
Necrophobia 15 /Long Machine Gun 20
Bloody Claws 15 |
Dark Roar
Giga Stick Lance 1
Demon Stab 10
Terrible Gaze 4 |
Hell Counter 8
Death Cannon 8
Laser Edge 8
Chaos Blast 8
Surudoi Tsume (Sharp Claws) 16
Death Claw 16
Necrophobia 16
Blood Claw 16 |
Profile |
Variations |
Subspecies |
Digimon Dictionary
A Cyborg type Digimon who is thought to be the final
decisive battle weapon of the mechanized "D-Brigade"
troop. It is said that a Tankdramon
shot down via a strategic 'Target' with the code name of
"BAN-TYO" was rescued and evolved into Darkdramon in the
research laboratories of the "D-Brigade", although this
information is highly classified and is accepted as a
rumor in its region. As a large amount of "Dark Matter"
was used during its evolutionary period, the "D-Brigade"
was unable to control Darkdramon and it ran wild,
escaping in the process; the troop have since been
unable to provide news of Darkdramon's current
whereabouts. Although still some say that it is still
wandering around, searching for the strategist with the
code name of "BAN-TYO"... Its special attack is "Dark
Roar", which fires out "Dark Matter" as energy bullets:
it is said that no-one in the entire world have
withstood the full brunt of this attack, said to be
Darkdramon's best maneuver. Moreover, the "Gigastic
Lance" that's equipped on its right hand is equal in
power to the holy "Gram" lance that
Gallantmon wields.
Story M/S
Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst
A Cyborg Digimon that is the final weapon of the D-Brigade. It is said to
be searching for someone codenamed "Bantyo". (This profile is from North American release of Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst) (Garmmon)
『さいしゅうけっせんへいき』であると すいそくさせる
つよい アンコクのチカラをもつ サイボーグがたデジモン
コードネーム『BAN―TYO』とよばれる もくひょうを
さがし さまよっているといわれる
みぎてには 『ギガスティックランス』が しこまれている
Digimon V-Tamer Residence
A Cyborg Digimon regarded as the ultimate weapon of the mechanized
"D-Brigade" squad. It was once a Tankdramon
that was destroyed during an operation to eliminate a target codenamed
"BAN-TYO", until its body was gathered by the squad and its residual
data was placed in a research institution, which was where it evolved
into Darkdramon. But since a lot of "dark matter" was used during its
evolution, it was unable to control itself after it evolved, and it ran
wild and fled. While no information has been revealed since, it's
rumored that it wanders the world in search of the target codenamed
"BAN-TYO", even to this day. (Wildermon)
しかし進化時に大量の「ダークマター」を使ったために、進化後に制御できずに暴走してしまい逃亡。 現在もその消息は掴めず、コードネーム「BAN-TYO」を探し、世界を彷徨っているとも噂される。