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+ Digimon Info / Digi-Dex / DoKunemon
DoKunemon : The Wriggling Poison Monster


Toei Picture General Information

Level Attribute Type
Rookie Virus Larva

First Appearance

In Anything Cards Anime
Digimon World 1 Bo-117 - NA -


Family (Families)


More Information Bandai Picture
US Attacks
Poison Ride
Worm Venom
Mass Morph
Japanese Attacks
Poison Ride
Worm Venom
Gitai (Mimic)
Electric Thread
Insect Board
Capture Net
Electric Poison Nightmare
Evolution According to the Anime

Digi-Volves From

Digi-Volves to

- NA -

- NA -

Profile / Additional Information

Digimon that is a larva type like Kunemon, he has deadly poison in his body.  It easy for him to evolve into a strong poisonous Champion leveled Digimon.  In order to solve the mystery of insect type Digimon, research is furthered on him.


"My Evolution" and Evolution in the Cards / Games


Digi-Volves From

Digi-Volves to






DarkLizardmon, Flymon, Roachmon, MoriShellmon, NiseDrimogemon, PlatinumSukamon, Stingmon, Woodmon, Mothmon, Kokatorimon, Weedmon, Arbormon, Yanmamon, Butterflymon, Togemon, SandYanmamon, Dokugumon, Snimon, Kuwagamon


USA Name / DoKunemon

Japanese Name / DoKunemon

Origin / Japanese. Do is short for doku, which means poison. Kune is short for kunekune, which means a wriggling body (like a worm)*

Origin / Japanese. Do is short for doku, which means poison. Kune is short for kunekune, which means a wriggling body (like a worm)*

* Name meaning taken from Megchan's site

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