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DMA Version Final
+ Digimon Info / Digi-Dex / DotAgumon
DotAgumon : The Pixilated Long Nosed Monster


Toei Picture General Information

- NA -

Level Attribute Type
Rookie ? ?

First Appearance

In Anything Cards Anime
Digimon Story - None - - NA -


- NA -

Family (Families)

- NA -


More Information Bandai Picture
US Attacks
Japanese Attacks
Evolution According to the Anime

Digi-Volves From

Digi-Volves to

- NA -

- NA -

Profile / Additional Information

A special Agumon which emerged from a keychain game. It must be a subspecies of Agumon, but its potential is unknown.


"My Evolution" and Evolution in the Cards / Games


Digi-Volves From

Digi-Volves to




Jogress Evolution
Dinohyumon (w/ Hawkmon)
Dinohyumon (w/ Kotemon)
Ebidramon (w/ Syakomon)
FlareRizamon (w/ Solarmon)


USA Name / DotAgumon

Japanese Name / DotAgumon

Origin / English and Japanese. Dot refers to pixels, colored dots that form an image on a screen. After much research on "agu" I believe it's short for agurabana, which means a wide, flat nose (which describes Agumon pretty well)*

Origin / English and Japanese. Dot refers to pixels, colored dots that form an image on a screen. After much research on "agu" I believe it's short for agurabana, which means a wide, flat nose (which describes Agumon pretty well)*

* Name meaning taken from Megchan's site

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