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Digi-Dex / Lucemon

Lucemon : The Light Monster

General Information First Appearances
Level Attribute Type
Rookie Vaccine Angel
Début Card Début Anime Début
Booster 13 Bo-610 S4 : Episode 37
Toei Picture Bandai Picture / Available Picture


Family (Families)

US Attacks Japanese Attacks

Common Attacks

Grand Cross / Ground Cross
Divine Feet

Misc. Attacks


Common Attacks

Grand Cross
Divine Feet

Misc. Attacks



Profile / Additional Information

Variations Subspecies

An Angel type Digimon which took on the form of a child; he is said to have descended into the Ancient Digital World long ago. He appeared at a time where the Digital World was still new and disordered, and it's recorded that he brought peace and order to this world. But there also came a dark age brought on by the treacherous Lucemon after this happened, and a mighty 'Rebellion' broke out. He has power and intelligence contrary to his child-like form, but enough to surpass even that of Ultimate-leveled Digimon. It's said that, at this moment, Lucemon's abilities have been divided and inherited by the Three Great Angels. His special attack is "Grand Cross", which creates 10 super-hot photospheres, aligned in the shape of a cross and positioned like the planets in our Solar System. This attack's power surpasses even Seraphimon's "Seven Heavens" attack.

コドモの すがたをした テンシ デジモン
デジタルワールドが こんとんとしていた じだいにあらわれ
せかいに へいわを もたらしたと いわれている
コドモのすがたを しているとはいえ 完全体の
デジモンをも りょうがするほどの ちからと えいちを

Digimon Story Super Xros Wars

- NA -

- NA -


Evolves From

Evolves To


Lucemon Chaos Mode


Unimon, Piddomon, Angemon, Tortomon, D'Arcmon, Apemon, Harpymon, BlackGatomon, Devimon, Seasarmon, Gatomon, Veedramon, Witchmon

Evolves From (Anime)

Evolves To (Anime)

- NA -



Warp Evolution
Lucemon Chaos Mode


Name Origins

US Name / Lucemon

Japanese Name / Lucemon

Origin / Italian. Luce means light. Lucemon's name and appearance originate from Lucifer, which means 'Light Bringer' in Latin. Lucifer was God's Angel of Light. Origin / Italian. Luce means light. Lucemon's name and appearance originate from Lucifer, which means 'Light Bringer' in Latin. Lucifer was God's Angel of Light.


- Toei picture was created by Toei
- Bandai picture was created by Bandai
- LCD picture was created by Eimon and DaDuke


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