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Digital Monsters Almanac / Digi-Dex

Beelzemon : The Beelzebub Monster


General Information First Appearances
Level Attribute Type
Mega 1 Virus 1 Demon Lord 1
Début Card Début Anime Début
D-Arc Ver. 2 Bo-640 S3 : Episode 27
Toei Picture Bandai Picture / Available Picture



US Attacks Japanese Attacks

Common Attacks

Double Impact 7
Darkness Claw
Quick Shot 8
Heartbreak Shot
Blast Mode 13
Corona Blaster 22 / Dark Ringer 23 / Evil Blaster 21
Chaos Flare 24 / Corona Destroyer 26 / Chaotic Flare 27

Misc. Attacks

Dark Blast 12
Chaos Blast 12
Demon Claw 12
Demon Blast 12
Dark Element 13
Darkness Chaos 13
Black Skewer 13
Confuse Nebula 13
Soul Plunder 13
Data Crusher 21
Straight Punch 21

Common Attacks

Double Impact 1
Darkness Claw
Quick Shot 9
Heartbreak Shot
Blast Mode 13
Death Slinger 15
Chaos Flare 25

Misc. Attacks

Darkness Blast 11
Chaos Blast 11
Demon Nail 11
Demon Blast 11
Data Crusher



Weapons / Shields Subspecies


Digimon Dictionary


A Demon Lord type Digimon who defends its solitary existence with the same type of sinister abilities that other Demon Digimon have. It's said that Beelzemon's nature alone surpasses all other Demon Lord type Digimon, positioning it not only at the top of the dark "Nightmare Soldiers" army corps, but also as a member of the "Seven Great Demon Lords" Digimon. It wields its favorite "Berenjena" shotguns, and sits upon and rides its huge "Behemoth" motorcycle. It has a cruel, merciless nature, and shows no fear to the many groups of weaklings it attacks. Its "Darkness Claw" attack allows it to raise its sharp claws and slash at the enemy with them. Its special attack is "Double Impact", which discharges successively its two guns. (Wildermon)



Story M/S

Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst


One of the Demon Lords that is independent and likes to work alone. It is very proud and dislikes preying on the weak. (This profile is from North American release of Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst) (Garmmon)


1人でこうどうすることを のこむ
いっぴきオオカミの ここうな まおうがたデジモン
とても プライドが たかく おおぜいで
よわいものイジメを することを このまない
あいようの 2ちょうのショットガンは
『ベレンヘーナ』 という


Digimon Visual Dictionary


This Demon Lord type Digimon has a high spirit. It is such an strong individual that it finds itself at the summit of the Nightmare Soldiers, but attacking the weak isn't its style. It holds the shotguns Berenjena and rides the bike-type machine Behemoth. For its special technique, Double Impact, it rapidly fires its two shotguns. (Grímúlfr)




Digimon V-Tamer Residence


A Demon Lord Digimon that serves the likes of Daemon and Ghoulmon. While it has the highest amount of power that places it at the peak of the dark "Nightmare Soldiers" group, and is a soldier that throws itself into battle. It has a cruel personality and wields its two favourite "Berenjena" shotguns, and it rides upon its giant "Behemoth" motorcycle each day, roaming the world and looking for strong opponents to fight. (Wildermon)




Beelzemon (Xros Wars)
Beelzemon (X)
Beelzemon Blast Mode


Evolves From

NeoDevimon 16


Angewomon 16
Antylamon 16
Cerberumon 17
Infermon 15
LadyDevimon 16
MagnaAngemon 16
Mummymon 14
Myotismon 4
Persiamon 16
Pumpkinmon 17
SkullSatamon 3

Item Evolution
Using the "Berenjena" item on any Digimon Child level or above 6

Jogress Evolution
Mummymon + Matadormon 11
MaloMyotismon + Gallantmon

Warp Evolution
Impmon 3

Evolves To

Mode Change
Beelzemon Blast Mode 18


Beelzemon (X) 10

Jogress Evolution
Beelzemon Blast Mode (w/ BanchoLeomon) 11
Beelzemon Blast Mode (w/ Diaboromon) 14
Beelzemon Blast Mode (w/ VenomMyotismon) 14

Evolves From (Anime)

Warp Evolution
Impmon 19

Evolves To (Anime)

Mode Change
Beelzemon Blast Mode 20

Name Origin

US Name Beelzemon 7


Hebrew. Beelze is short for Beelzebub, which literally translates to 'Lord of the Flies'.
Japanese Name Beelzebumon Note-1
Etymology Hebrew. Beelzebu is short for Beelzebub, which literally translates to 'Lord of the Flies'.


Citations Notes

1 Bo-640
2 Bo-821
3 Bo-1060
4 Bo-1139
5 DM-114
6 Digi-Vice Burst
7 Bo-303 (Dub)
8 Digimon World Data Squad
9 Digimon Savers Another Mission
10 Bx-163
Digimon Story Moonlight / Sunburst
12 Digimon World Dusk / Dawn
13 Digimon World 3
14 D-Project
15 Digmon Story
16 DPen 2 Ver. 2
17 DAccelerator - Ultimate
18 Bo-1058
19 Season 3 : Episode 27
20 Season 3 : Episode 43
21 Digimon World DS
22 Season 3 : Episode 43 (Dub) (Shared attack used by Beelzemon Blast Mode)
23 Rumble Arena 1 (Shared attack used by Beelzemon Blast Mode)
24 Rumble Arena 1
25 Battle Evolution
26 Season 3 : Episode 48 (Dub) (Shared attack used by Beelzemon Blast Mode)
27 Digimon World Dusk / Dawn (Shared attack used by Beelzemon Blast Mode)

Note-1 Beelzebub, in some text, is synonymous with Satan, the devil, or Lucifer. In Christian mythology, Beelzebub is Hell's version of Cherubim, in the hierarchy of fallen angels. In other text Beelzebub is Satan's chief lieutenant.


- Toei picture was created by Toei
- Bandai picture 1 was created by Bandai, 2 was created by Shadowman
- LCD picture 1 was created by File Island, 2 was created by Lhikan634


General Information First Appearances
Level Attribute Type
Mega Vaccine Demon Lord
Début Card Début Anime Début
D-Project - None - - NA -
Image Gallery


Fan-Made Toei

Fan-Made Bandai

Fan-Made LCD


- Source created by ZeroXm7
Toei picture was created by ZeroXm7
- Bandai picture was created by Garmmon
- LCD picture was created by Lhikan634


General Information First Appearances
Level Attribute Type
Mega Data Demon Lord
Début Card Début Anime Début
D-Project - None - - NA -
Image Gallery


Fan-Made Toei

Fan-Made Bandai

Fan-Made LCD


- Source created by ZeroXm7
Toei picture was created by ZeroXm7
- Bandai picture was created by Garmmon
- LCD picture was created by Lhikan634

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